- Assignment Creation
This video (8 minutes) shows how to take advantage of Blackboard's Assignment feature so that students can upload essays, term papers, and other files to Bb instead of submitting them to you via email.
- Creating an assignment with SafeAssign
Learn how to use the SafeAssign feature to check student writing for plagiarism. See also Creating and assignment with SafeAssign (PDF)
- Bb Annotate - Grading Student Assignments
Video (2 mins.) Annotation options when grading student Assignments in Bb Gradebook. New feature details: Content Library: Create a bank of reusable comments. You can add, edit, delete, and search comments in the library. You can also add a comment directly to the submission page from the menu. Select the plus sign to add a new comment to the Content Library. You can Place comment, Copy to Clipboard, Edit, or Delete content from the library. Type keywords or phrases to search for saved comments.