- Online, Hybrid, or HyFlex? How to balance different modalities for active learning in Blackboard
This guide from FeedbackFruits is designed for institutional leaders to support faculties in making the most out of different instructional modes (26 pgs.). Includes a chapter featuring Exemplars of effective active teaching across modalities.
- Instructional Systems Design (ISD) Presentation
Watch our Common Hour presentation featuring Ross Donehue & Justin Busch from October 15, 2019. Download the slides (PDF).
- National Standards for Quality Online Learning
"The National Standards for Quality Online Learning is an ongoing project to continuously revise the National Standards for Quality Online Courses, Programs and Teaching led by a partnership between Quality Matters, the Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance, and the Digital Learning Collaborative with widespread community support." This link provides access to various resources with a specific focus on standards in practice and the resources to support them.
- Student Course Workload Estimator
This web-based tool from Rice University will provide an estimate of student workload time based on the course requirements and assignments that are provided by the instructor. Visit the site to make your own calculations and to learn how the estimates are determined.
- Getting Started with Quality Matters
Use this document to learn more about Quality Matters and to access newsletters, discussion lists, workshops, and more.
- Quality Matters: National Standards for Quality Online Teaching, Third Edition
The National Standards for Quality Online Teaching are broken into the following eight standard categories:
- Standard A: Professional Responsibilities
- Standard B: Digital Pedagogy
- Standard C: Community Building
- Standard D: Learner Engagement
- Standard E: Digital Citizenship
- Standard F: Diverse Instruction Standard G: Assessment and Measurement
- Standard H: Instructional Design
- Quality Matters: National Standards for Quality Online Courses, Third Edition
The National Standards for Quality Online Courses provide a framework for schools, districts, state agencies, statewide online programs and other interested educational organizations to improve online learning courses. The standards are intended to provide guidance while providing maximum flexibility for the users.
- Standardized Course Outline
Open, download, and use this MS Word version of the approved Standardized Course Outline for your courses in all modalities. The outline was developed by the Assessment Team for use by all faculty in all disciplines.
- Example Lesson Design Outline
Review this example lesson design for ideas on how to plan your course learning activities, assignments, and assessments. Then use the Lesson Design Template linked below or create your own lesson template.
- Lesson Design Template
See the companion Example Lesson Design Outline to see suggestions for completion of this template. This template will help you organize your course and your Blackboard site in advance. In each column you will identify required items for learning, assignments, and assessments. The items can then be systematically gathered or developed and added to your Blackboard course site and presented to your students within your course syllabus or course outline.