Regular & Substantive Interaction
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Regular and substantive interaction in distance education such that “regular” is defined as taking place on a “predictable and scheduled basis” and “substantive” means students are engaged through teaching, learning, and assessment as well as at least two of these five activities:

  • Providing direct instruction
  • Assessing or providing feedback on a student’s course work
  • Providing information or responding to questions about the content course or competency
  • Facilitating a group discussion regarding the content of a course or competency
  • Or other instructional activities approved by the institution’s or program’s accrediting agency

Examples of Regular and Substantive Interaction in Distance Education

A personal welcome message or video from the instructor is available when the course opens.

  • Message should set a warm, welcoming tone.
  • Message should address course content, what students can expect, tips for being successful in the course, etc.
  • Instructor may also schedule synchronous meetings with students during the 1st week of the course.

Instructor was active in the The LMS course during week 1 of the term.

“Activity” is defined as recorded instructor access in the course shell and responses to student inquiries via the The LMS Conversations Inbox. To meet this requirement, the audit must reveal evidence of ALL of the following:

  • Recorded instructor access in the course shell at least three times during week 1 (Monday-Friday).
  • First instructor activity (either course access or response to student inquiries) took place no later than Wednesday of week 1.

Course design requires student-instructor interaction at least once per week during the course of the term. Weekly interaction happens on a consistent day of the week; the schedule is communicated to students at the beginning of the course.

This requirement could be met by EITHER of the following:

  • Weekly course announcements that address course content, expectations of students, tips for success, etc.
  • At least one assignment or graded item is due each week.

1.4 Instructor Communication Policy Policy (listed on the syllabus or elsewhere in course) includes ALL of the following information:

  • How to contact instructor.
  • Policy for response time to student questions (24-48 hours M-F).
  • Policy for weekend communication.

Instructor's expectations for the nature and frequency of student participation are clearly stated.

  • General statement on syllabus (or elsewhere in course).
  • Specific guidelines for student participation should be included on individual discussion boards and anywhere else where students are expected to actively participate.

Instructor provides feedback that is both customized to the individual student and specific to the details of their course work.

  • Feedback provides information students can use to understand where they are being successful and where they need to improve.
  • Assessment instruments (e.g. grading sheets and rubrics) are sufficiently detailed to permit feedback about key elements of an individual student's work.
  • Feedback can include: instructor participation in discussion boards; recorded tutorials in response to student questions; The LMS Inbox messages to groups of students offering further study guidance for topics they are struggling with; instructor comments on essays, tests, or other submitted assignments; study guides or review sheets created in response to student questions.

Instructor provides students feedback at least once a week during the course, starting in Week 1.

  • Feedback is given early enough and with sufficient frequency for students to correct misunderstandings and deepen comprehension while the course is in progress.
  • Instructor consistently responds to student questions within the timeframe stated in their communication policy, or alerts students ahead of time if they will not be able to uphold their policy.
  • Instructor makes a special effort to communicate with struggling students as they are likely to benefit from early intervention.

Instructor provides students feedback at least once a week during the course, starting in Week 1.

  • Feedback is given early enough and with sufficient frequency for students to correct misunderstandings and deepen comprehension while the course is in progress.
  • Instructor consistently responds to student questions within the timeframe stated in their communication policy, or alerts students ahead of time if they will not be able to uphold their policy.
  • Instructor makes a special effort to communicate with struggling students as they are likely to benefit from early intervention.

Instructor provides an active forum for students to post course-related questions.

  • Forum is available to all students in the course so all may benefit from instructor responses.
  • Instructor performs regular monitoring to answer student questions in a timely fashion, according to course communication policies.
  • Clear guidelines for use of the public forum are posted, including policy for messages of a personal nature.

Instructor clarifies and models appropriate online communication practices.

  • An etiquette policy for communications is posted on the syllabus (or elsewhere in the course), along with clear expectations of how students should adhere to that policy.
  • Instructor consistently communicates in a respectful manner.
  • Instructor acknowledges the broad range of perspectives found in the community college classroom.

Instructor fosters a safe learning environment by actively monitoring student interactions.

  • If an inappropriate communication occurs, the instructor intervenes immediately.
  • Instructor redirects or counsels students in an appropriate way, including blocking students from participating in the course if necessary.

Instructor fosters student-to-student interactions that deepen understanding of course materials.

  • Instructor takes a strategic role in guiding, focusing, and encouraging interactions.
  • Student roles in collaborative projects are clearly defined.

Instructor provides tools and/or updates students can use to manage their time and stay on task.

  • Instructor gives clear directions on where to find current due dates.
  • Course calendars, checklists, or instructor reminders provide students with a way to keep track of time-sensitive tasks.

Weekly announcements with reminders of upcoming deadlines keep students updated and on task.