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OER - Find & Adopt: Adopting OER


Adopting an OER is probably the first step in incorporating open resources into your classroom. Finding and evaluating are the crucial first steps in the process. CCAC has developed a collection of course material repositories and sources by discipline that might be useful in your investigation.

If you can't find a resource that meets your needs, consider Adapting & Remixing.

As you start your OER search it is a good idea to be organized and keep the following things in mind :


Where To Start?

rubricFinding and adopting OER is much like finding conventional educational resources. The best way to begin is to set aside some time to review course learning objectives. Keep these objectives in mind while reviewing open resources and search for items that closely align with learning goals, just as you would a conventional textbook.

Types of Resources

The next step in finding OER is to decide what type of resource you would like to find. If you are looking for course materials, try one of the repositories. The repositories contain free textbooks, most peer reviewed or used at higher education institutes, which are available for download and use. There are also a variety of other materials available in the general repositories, including homework, labs, question banks, tests, quizzes and more. Additionally, the CCAC Library has a wealth of databases and eBooks that are available for use.

As with conventional resources, it helps to be flexible and let the learning objectives drive the search, as opposed to the type of resource.

collage of learning

Consider the Formats

format collageUpon selecting an Open Educational Resource, check to make sure that it is accessible to all students. OER are available and can be presented in a number of different formats, including print and digital, allowing students of all abilities and learning styles access. CCAC Supportive Services are available for any questions regarding accessibility.

Ask for Help!

Searching for Open Educational Resources does not need to be overwhelming. CCAC has an entire team of people ready to help from searching to implementing OER. Contact any member of the team and we will be glad to help!



Jody Wilson, South

Dawnlyn Diehl, South

Lori Cunningham, Boyce

Dana Bell, South

Find an OER?

If you are using an OER in your classroom, submit the details and the information will be shared with your colleagues in the OERs by Discipline collection.

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, Open Educational Resources at CCAC by Community College of Allegheny County Libraries is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.