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OER - Help & Support: Home

Need a hand?

need a hand?

Unsure about searching for appropriate sources, using Blackboard, or implementing changes in your curriculum? There are many resources throughout CCAC. All of the departments and contacts below will gladly give you hand navigating OER.


This training provides a step by step guide for CCAC faculty who are interested in working with OER but do not have a lot of familiarity with the process. Modules include:

  • Module 1: Why OER?
  • Module 2: Copyright & Creative Commons Licensing
  • Module 3: Diversity, Inclusion & Equity
  • Module 4: Accessibility
  • Module 5: In the Classroom / Open Pedagogy
  • Module 6: Practical - Doing & Concluding

Access is available via Blackboard.



Contact the ITS ServiceDesk for assistance with:

  • Incorporating OER into Blackboard
  • Other technical issues.


LibreTexts OER Blackboard Import Directions



Maximizing accessibility has been a goal of OER since their inception. The major publishers such as OpenStax and Lumen Learning work with accessibility partners to issue regular accessibility conformance reports. Large repositories, such as LIbreTexts and Pressbooks provide authors with tools to help make their resources accessible. Here’s a convenient Checklist for Accessibility from Pressbooks.

Contact Supportive Services for questions about:

  • Incorporating standards of accessibility  to ensure that resources are compliant.

Cole Eskridge, Allegheny / North

Carissa Monaco, Boyce / South


boyce library

Contact any of the CCAC Librarians below for assistance with:

  • Searching OER textbook and general repositories to narrow down choices
  • Help with Creative Commons/Copyright information
  • Help with uploading to discipline’s OER Guide

Jody Wilson, South

Lori Cunningham, Boyce

Dawnlyn Diehl, South

Jeremy Watson, South

Course / Lesson Design Support

student group

Contact the Instructional Design team for:

  • Designing and developing courses and lessons for all modalities including classroom instruction and online learning.
  • Aligning course outcomes and lesson objectives with learning content and with student assessments.
  • Course content research, interactivity and active learning design as well as media selection.

Ross Donehue, West Hills

Justin Busch, OCS

Ticket through

Inclusive Curriculum

inclusive group

Contact the following for:

  • Guidance on creating assignments and resources that are inclusive to multicultural populations.
  • Tips on including diverse scholarship and materials.

Office of Office of Institutional Diversity & Inclusion

Jessica Spradley, HBC
Professor, Sociology

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, Open Educational Resources at CCAC by Community College of Allegheny County Libraries is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.