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CCAC Library

Streaming Videos: Collections


swank digital campus

Swank provides the top 1000 films used in academic institutions. Popular films will support all areas of the curriculum. Films in this collection are licensed for individual and classroom use only.

Access & Tech Tips

Online Access
Full Title List

Films On Demand

films on demand

Films On Demand supports all subjects across the curriculum and includes over 44,000 videos from producers like A&E, BBC Learning, California Newsreel, National Geographic, TED, Films for the Humanities and Sciences and many more.


Access & Tech Tips

Online Access
Full Title List
Mobile App for Android
Mobile App for iOS
Fact Sheet

Kanopy Streaming


Kanopy provides over 26,000 films, including documentaries, classic films, and thousands of award-winning television programs that cover all subjects across the curriculum.


Access & Tech Tips

Online Access
Full Title List
Mobile App for Android | Access Tips for Android
Mobile App for iOS | Access Tips for iOS
Mobile App for Fire | Access Tips for Fire
Other Mobile & TV Apps

PBS Video Collection

PBS Video Collection

PBS Video Collection includes over 1,200 streaming videos from science to history, art to Shakespeare, diversity to business and economics from popular documentaries and series.


Access & Tech Tips

Online Access
Full Title List
Fact Sheet

Streaming Videos: Frequently Asked Questions

Public performance rights (PPR) are generally included for videos that appear in the streaming collections provided by the CCAC Library. Below are several examples of what is considered an approved form of public performance. These include viewing:

  • in a classroom setting
  • by student or faculty groups (with no admission charged)
  • at on-campus events (with no admission charged)
  • by an student or faculty on their personal device
  • by a student or faculty at an off-campus location

Examples that would violate terms of service for the streaming collections include viewing:

  • at an on-campus event where an admission fee is charged or another form of profit is earned
  • at an off-campus location by non-CCAC students or employees


See below for details on the terms of service for the video collections available from the Library.


Streaming Service PPR Rights Terms
Swank No - classroom & individual use only Swank Terms

Yes - for most titles, with some exceptions.  

(Look for the PPR indicator on the detailed Kanopy description screen.
See the Kanopy instructions on how to identify titles with PPR.)

Kanopy Terms
Films On Demand Yes - if no admission or fees charged Films On Demand Terms
PBS Yes - if no admission or fees charged PBS / Alexander St Terms


A list of the online nursing videos can be found on our nursing guide at

Users can also connect directly to the nursing collection at Films on Demand by following this link

Films on Demand

Adding Films on Demand video link in Blackboard can be done in a few easy steps. The process described below will allow students to access videos from both on and off-campus.


  1. After finding a video in Films on Demand, click its Share link.

    Share link

  2. In the Share To box that appears, click the Copy button for the Record URL.

    Embed/Link and Copy button


  3. In Blackboard, navigate to the area of the course where the link belongs. Click the Build Content menu and then click Web Link.

    Blackboard: Build Content menu and Web Link

  4. On the Create Web Link page, enter the title of the video in the Name field. In the URL field, paste in the URL that was copied in step 2. An optional description can be added in the description field. Next, click the Submit button when finished.

    Blackboard: name, url, and description fields


  5. Lastly, test the link to make sure it works properly.

    Blackboard: Confirm that link works




Yes! The embed features can be used so that a video will display within Blackboard or another website.

Students and faculty who access Blackboard from off-campus should login to Blackboard through the MyCCAC portal to ensure video provider can identify the CCAC connection. Please contact a librarian if you have questions!

Visit our streaming video page for a list of the online video collections that are currently available to CCAC students, faculty, and staff.

Yes! To connect, visit our streaming video page, select one of the services, and you will be prompted to login. This is the same login used for MyCCAC, Blackboard, and other CCAC services.

Since some of these collections are quite large, the Library has provided links to specific sub-collections on our subject guides. Visit one of our subject guides and look for this streaming videos image:
Streaming video

If a sub-collection of videos for your discipline is available, you will find a link to it here.

CCAC Libraries | Community College of Allegheny County | Pittsburgh, PA | © 2024