- ProctorU: Setting Up Online Proctoring Options in Blackboard and ProctorUThis article provides faculty with detailed instructions of how to choose an online proctoring method for their quiz, test, or exam and how to setup online proctoring within Blackboard and ProctorU.
- ProctorU: Access Missing from Blackboard Test OptionsFaculty using ProctorU, when logging in to Bb and accessing Test Options for a quiz, test, or exam, the ProctorU options icon may be missing. If so, try the following procedure for restoring the ProctorU icon to Test Options within Bb.
- ProctorU: Faculty Exam Setup Training Video
This 45 minute video demonstrates required steps for faculty including ProctorU extension download, account creation, and exam setup.
- ProctorU for Students: Creating a ProctorU Account and Downloading Guardian BrowserFor all students using ProctorU this article describes how to create a ProctorU account and download the required browser in preparation for course exams.
- ProctorU for Students: Preparation Steps for Online Quizzes, Tests, and ExamsStudent preparation steps for online testing with ProctorU. Faculty should download and share the attached PDF with students. Instructions and linked resources include creating a ProctorU account, downloading the Guardian browser required for all assessments, testing student computers, and scheduling Live+ and Review+ quizzes, tests, and exams.
- ProctorU: How do I reset my password?Use these steps to recover your ProctorU password. You'll need your ProctorU username or the email associated with your ProctorU account. Also included are details of how to contact ProctorU Support if needed.
Faculty, complete the following in advance. Confirmation from ProctorU may take 24-48 hours.
- In Bb, create the test availability exception (accommodation) as usual
- Go to,
- Use the pull-down menu to select “Accommodation Request – For Faculty/Exam Provider Use Only”
- Complete all required fields
- Click the box for “Acknowledgement Required”
- Click Submit
- Reply to the confirmation you receive from ProctorU/Meazure Learning
Visit ProctorU's support page entry to see which computers and operating systems are
Online Proctoring with Blackboard Ultra and ProctorU
To get started with ProctorU in Blackboard Ultra, view these 1-minute videos (Adding a New Exam and Navigating the Exam Iteration Page) and then follow the steps below. Note: Ultra supports either Live+ or Review+ options. The Record+ option is not supported by Ultra.
- Create exam in Ultra
- Add an exam password to the Ultra exam (you'll use this password again in ProctorU exam setup to come)
- Copy the Ultra course URL (for inserting in ProctorU) a. The exam will not be exported to ProctorU. You will need to go to ProctorU to “add” an exam
- In ProctorU, “Add New” and select “Exam”. You won’t add the Course Name
- Enter the Ultra course URL and password etc.
- Use the invite link found in ProctorU to alert students of the exam (see videos)