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Banned & Challenged Books: Most Challenged Books

This guide contains information about the difference between banned and challenged books, the statistics behind the who and why of challenges, and the most challenged books of the year.

Top Ten Most Challenged Books

Many books are challenged across the country every year.  The American Library Association's (ALA) Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) has compiled a list of them and publishes it online at  Below is a video they created of the top ten most challenged books of 2015, to give you an idea.

For a text-based list of the books in the video, and information on how ALA generated this list, visit:

You can find additional top ten lists, from other years, at:

More Challenged Books

There are many frequently challenged book lists available.  Here are links to a few.

CCAC Catalog Search

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Read a Challenged Book

These are the books within the 2015 Top Ten Challenged list that are located at CCAC.  Check one out today! 

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