Android Studio is the official development environment for creating Android apps.
The Android Developer site has complete API information, training resources to get you started, and the publisher console for making an app available on the Google Play store.
Selected eBooks from the CCAC Library.
Selected eBooks from the CCAC Library.
A powerful development environment for Java, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, C/C++, and more. Includes features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and formatting so you can focus on writing code.
Notepad++ is a lightweight, versatile text editor that supports many file types including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, XML, and more. Features include syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and code formatting.
This free version of Visual Studio is suitable for students working on Visual Basic, Python, and web development projects.
The folks at GitHub have teamed up with company partners to offer student developers free and low cost ways to experiment with services like cloud hosting, email providers, and code schools.
The Eclipse IDE (integrated development environment) is a powerful code editing tool that supports Java, C++, and PHP.
Selected eBooks from the CCAC Library.
The Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) site includes tutorials for beginners and experienced developers, an extensive reference section, and links to web development tools.
Are your web pages accessible to those with disabilities? The World Wide Web Consortium offers an introduction to the need for accessible design and implementation techniques for developers.
Test HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a live, online sandbox. JS Bin also has the ability to import third party libraries like jQuery and Bootstrap.
Use this online sandbox to do live testing of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It also has the ability to save, embed, and collaborate with others. Check their tutorial for steps on how to get started.
Although this is typically bundled with code editors like NetBeans (see the Code Editors tab for a link) students may need to manually install the JDK separately. This is the official source for Java downloads.
Selected eBooks from the CCAC Library.
The Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) site includes tutorials for beginners and experienced developers, an extensive reference section, and links to web development tools.
The W3 site has tutorials and working examples of JavaScript code that can help you practice and learn.
This book is a guide to JavaScript, a scripting language widely used in web pages and web applications such as email applications
Selected JavaScript eBooks from the CCAC Library.
jQuery is the JavaScript library that can streamline the development of your webpages. The API documentation explains things like selectors, events, effects, AJAX, and other web page manipulation techniques.
jqueryUI (the UI is for "user interface") is an add-on library for jQuery that includes a selection of user interface features (carousels, sliders, tabbed pages, date picker, etc.) for jQuery-based web pages.
The W3schools tutorial for jQuery has a wide range of examples covering topics like using selectors, adding effects, integrating AJAX, traversing the DOM, and many more.
Selected jQuery eBooks from the CCAC Library
Trying to figure out how to do something with PHP? This is the official manual that includes documentation that can help.
XAMPP is a complete development environment for that includes Apache, PHP, MYSQL/MariaDB, and Perl. Run an Apache server on your local computer or even a flash drive to develop and test database-driven websites built with HTML & PHP.
Selected PHP eBooks from the CCAC Library.
This site contains the official documentation and reference for the various versions of Python (a dropdown menu on the upper left will let you switch from one version to another.) Also contains setup information, examples, tutorials, and more.
The Python Package Index (PiPI) is a community-driven repository of code reusable code packages that can be imported and used in your projects. Search or browse the repository for resources that save you from reinventing the wheel!
Selected eBooks from the CCAC Library.
W3Schools tutorial/reference for SQL.
Looking for video tutorials on SQL? Khan Academy's tutorials cover topics like creating and modifying tables, queries, joining data from multiple tables, and more.
Documentation on basic SQL statements from MariaDB (the open source fork of MySQL.) Student developers might find it easier to download and install a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) bundle instead of installing each component individually.
Looking to practice with Microsoft's SQL Server? Free downloads are available for developers on the Microsoft site.
Selected SQL eBooks from the CCAC Library.
Get started with XML (Extensible Markup Language) with this tutorial from W3Schools.
Learn about JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and how you can use the format to store and share data.
This online utility lets you view, edit, and export JSON files.
Selected Books from the CCAC Library.