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ENG 102, Von Waldenburg, Allegheny: Finding Sources

A research guide to accompany Ann Von Waldenburg's English 102 course

View Sources Owned by CCAC in Google Scholar

Users can now view sources owned by the CCAC Library in Google Scholar.

Go to Google Scholar at

Click on the hamburger icon in the upper left and select Settings.

In the first column on the left, select Library links.

Enter Community College of Allegheny County in the search box.

When our name appears below the search box, select the box on the left.

Click the blue  Save  button on the lower right.

View Sources Owned by CCAC on Google Scholar

After conducting a search, click on Find it at CCAC in the right column of your results.  

Finding Sources for your ENG 102 Research Project In Google Scholar

First we’ll find the sources suggesed under Further Reading in your textbook, Bad Ideas About Writing. You'll find Further Reading beneath the text of most of the articles in your textbook. 

Further Reading

Go to Google Scholar at and enter the title and author of the work you are trying to find in the search box. It is sometimes helpful to put the title in quotation marks. Find more search options in Advanced Search. 

Google Scholar Advanced Search


The next step is to find the articles that cited the article you selected from your textbook. This search looks forward in time to uncover the academic conversation.

Use the Cited by feature in Google Scholar to find these “forward” citations.



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Jody Wilson
Allegheny Campus Library
808 Ridge Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15212

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