Many of CCAC Library's EBSCO eBooks can be downloaded to your computer.
First, make sure you have Adobe Digital Editions downloaded, installed, and activated with your Adobe ID (see the Adobe Digital Editions tab for instructions).
Next, make sure you have a MyEbscohost account (see the My EBSCOhost tab for instructions). Now, follow the instructions to the right to download:
You can limit your result list to just the downloadable eBooks. Simply select Download available under Refine your results.
Many of CCAC Library's EBSCO eBooks can be downloaded to your computer. Here's how:
1. Click the Download (Offline) link for the eBook you would like to download.
2. Select a Checkout period from the drop-down menu and click the Checkout & Download button.
3. The eBook is added to the Checkout area of the folder, accessible from the upper-right corner of the EBSCOhost interface. If you are not logged into your My EBSCOhost folder, you are prompted to do so.
4. Select Open with or Save File from the resulting dialog box.
If you select Open with, your eBook is opened with Adobe® Digital Editions. If you select Save file, the eBook is saved to your computer and can be opened with Adobe® Digital Editions at a later time.
5. When a downloaded eBook is opened, it is displayed in Adobe® Digital Editions:
eBooks from the EBSCOhost eBook Collection have a maximum checkout period of 21 days.
After the checkout period has expired, eBooks will be "returned" to the collection for others to access.
Items can be returned early by deleting the material from your Adobe Digital Editions library.
Not all eBooks can be downloaded. EBSCO eBooks must be in .pdf format and must have a "Check Out & Download this eBook" link for downloading to be possible.