The act or attempted act of deception by which a student misrepresents that he/she has mastered information on an academic exercise that, in fact, has not been mastered.
The use of invented information or citation in an academic exercise or the falsification of research or other findings.
The act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person : the act of plagiarizing something.
1. “Fails to place quotation marks around material copied word-for-word from another source."
2. Closely follows the original’s wording and sentence structure when attempting to paraphrase.
3. Neglects to attribute words and / or ideas to their author, whether the author is published or not.
4. Reproduces information that is not common knowledge or self evident without citation.
5. Uses your own or another student's past material without providing citation.
6. Presents all or part of a paper from an essay-purchasing site or other site as your own work.
7. Pays another to contribute to your work without adding citation.