Are your web pages accessible to those with disabilities? The World Wide Web Consortium offers an introduction to the need for accessible design and implementation techniques for developers.
Submit a URL for an instant accessibility evaluation. Browser extensions are also available.
Available as a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, this tool checks for web page accessibility issues and offers potential fixes.
An excellent list of tools for checking web accessibility. Some are free, others may require a subscription.
This interactive page shows how the use of HTML5's semantic elements (<header>, <main>, <footer>, etc.) translate into accessible landmarks for screen readers.
Use this collection of short videos to see how people with various disabilities use the web.
NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) is a screenreader program that allows blind users to navigate computers and web pages. Available as a free download (Microsoft Windows only).
This free code editor can be used for many programming languages and also supports HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for web design.
JSBIN is an open source web development debugging tool. Use it to test HTML, CSS, & JavaScript and see the results immediately. Works in a web browser!
Use the JSFiddle site to practice HTML, CSS, and JavaScript an see immediate results in the browser. Also supports importing of 3rd party scripts from sources like jQuery or your own custom code.
The Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) site includes tutorials for beginners and experienced developers, an extensive reference section, and links to web development tools.
This book is a guide to JavaScript, a scripting language widely used in web pages and web applications such as email applications
jQuery is the JavaScript library that can streamline the development of your webpages. The API documentation explains things like selectors, events, effects, AJAX, and other web page manipulation techniques.
A great site for learning the basics of jQuery.
jqueryUI (the UI is for "user interface") is an add-on library for jQuery that includes a selection of user interface features (carousels, sliders, tabbed pages, date picker, etc.) for jQuery-based web pages.
The W3schools tutorial for jQuery has a wide range of examples covering topics like using selectors, adding effects, integrating AJAX, traversing the DOM, and many more.
Trying to figure out how to do something with PHP? This is the official manual that includes documentation that can help.
XAMPP is a complete development environment for that includes Apache, PHP, MYSQL/MariaDB, and Perl. Run an Apache server on your local computer or even a flash drive to develop and test database-driven websites built with HTML & PHP.
Selected PHP eBooks from the CCAC Library.
Selected eBooks from the CCAC Library.
Covers the basics of Drupal: Installation, configuration, and maintenance.
Get started with XML (Extensible Markup Language) with this tutorial from W3Schools.
Learn about JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and how you can use the format to store and share data.
This online utility lets you view, edit, and export JSON files.
Selected Books from the CCAC Library.
A good place to start to learn how to build a website. Tutorials in HTML, CSS, XML, with interactive examples of the concepts covered.
The Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) site includes tutorials for beginners and experienced developers, an extensive reference section, and links to web development tools.
Are your web pages accessible to those with disabilities? The World Wide Web Consortium offers an introduction to the need for accessible design and implementation techniques for developers.
Create website interface designs, wireframes, and experiment with layouts and features. Free account available for students.
GIMP is a free and open source program for image manipulation.
Learn about the types of Creative Commons licenses that can be applied to your work and/or to help you identify resources that are licensed for your use. This book chapter comes from Made with Creative Commons (CC-BY-SA)
Search collections of openly-licensed images and audio that can be used in your projects at no cost. The site supports filtering by the various Creative Commons licenses.
Find openly licensed music for audiovisual projects as well as collections of content for one-time fee licenses.
A search engine for finding Creative Commons licensed web resources, images, video, and music.
Discover royalty-free photos, illustrations, videos, and more for use in multimedia projects. Review the licensing details to understand usage limits.
Search or browse this special section of Flickr, an image sharing site, to find images licensed for reuse under Creative Commons licenses.