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Integrated Assessment: Technological Competencies

Technological Competencies

Use digital technology, productivity software, discipline-specific applications, and technology-mediated collaboration tools to complete tasks.


1. Use technology resources to design, develop, present and publish information products.
2. Employ technology resources to conduct research, analyze data, solve problems, synthesize information and inform decision-making.
3. Use technology ethically and legally.

Criteria 4-Advanced 3-Competent 2-Developing 1-Beginning N/A
Utilize appropriate digital technologies in context
Accurately uses appropriate computer/internet terminology. Demonstrates the ability to identify, open and close the appropriate program to utilize for a task and efficiently store/retrieve files from multiple storage devices Uses appropriate computer/internet terminology. Demonstrates the ability to locate and open/close a specific program but cannot store/retrieve files from external storage devices. Uses computer/internet terminology inconsistently. Demonstrates the ability to open/close specific programs but cannot store/retrieve files. Does not demonstrate an understanding of computer/internet terminology. Cannot locate or utilize specific programs. Cannot store/retrieve files.  
Use basic computer technologies (such as but not limited to the web, Office software, e-mail, social media)
Demonstrates an ability to effectively use many of the basic computer technologies and many of the features available in them. Demonstrates an ability to use many of the basic computer technologies and some of the features available in them. Demonstrates an ability to use many of the basic computer technologies with a limited understanding of all of their features and capabilities. Demonstrates a limited ability to use several basic computer technologies.  
Ethical Use
Recognizes the limits/drawbacks and ethical concerns of available technologies
Demonstrates competency utilizing technology in a manner appropriate for the assignment; uses technology to engage with a free exchange of ideas intelligently and respectfully Demonstrates basic competency utilizing technology in a manner appropriate for the assignment; attempts to use technology to engage with a free exchange of ideas intelligently and respectfully Demonstrates willingness to try utilizing technology in a manner appropriate for the assignment; little or no attempts to use technology to engage with a free exchange of ideas intelligently and respectfully Demonstrates inability or unwillingness to utilize technology in a manner appropriate for the assignment; unwilling to use technology to engage with a free exchange of ideas or is intellectually dishonest or disrespectful  

*The N/A category is to be used in a situation when ONE of the rubric criteria is not applicable to the chosen assessment. For example, if Ethical Use was not part of the original assessment, then you select N/A for that row.  Point totals will be adjusted accordingly when the final data is aggregated.  Faculty are strongly encouraged to align assessments to the rubric.  If you feel the need to select N/A for multiple criteria, then the assessment measure should be adjusted or replaced by a more appropriate one. If you need help with this process, please contact the Assessment Team: .

Recommended Assessment Measures (Ferris State):

05) Short written report
06) Medium written report
07) Long written report
08) Student projects
10) Student portfolio
11) Capstone project
13) Student performance

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technological competencies rubric

Types of Assessments & CCAC Examples:

Match technology terms with corresponding definitions (on paper or within online exam “matching” question)

Identify file storage locations and devices when provided with visual representation or text descriptions  

Write instructions for how to launch an web browser and search the web  

Launch a common productivity application (e.g. MS Word or Excel), create a new file, save the file to the computer desktop, and name the file for later retrieval (use a memorable name such your own or a pet name)

Launch your computer’s file management application (e.g. Windows Explorer), identify and navigate to each file storage location and describe the unique features of each in writing

Within your computer’s file management application, create and name a new folder, copy a file from the desktop to the new folder just created by you    

Conduct a web search for resources related to online and email netiquette, share your thoughts within a discussion board and share the web links of two resources found   

Upload a file to Blackboard or other cloud space

Compose and email and locate and attach a file before sending


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