The goal of the integrated assessment system is to collect authentic classroom data to improve student learning. This system is flexible and provides variety for faculty members.
In this integrated system, you can choose to do your own individual assessment in any of your courses OR you can join with other faculty members in your department to do a common assignment across multiple sections of the same course. For example, all faculty teaching BIO 110 can give the same assessment in their courses; however, each faculty member would submit data from students in their own course.
Assessments are due the same date as final grades for the semester.
Illuminate, the data dashboard:
What course will you collect data from?
What do students learn from your course?
How do students learn material in your class?
How do you know if students mastered course content?
Can students demonstrate course content proficiency while practicing one of the six Gen Ed Goals?
Under our old system, we only sampled a small number of students in a small number of classes. We knew we were doing quality work, but we couldn’t prove it – a problem that Middle States caught us on.
Under the Integrated Assessment system, EVERY faculty member turns in data for one class. We will tie this rubric data to demographic data that already exists in our Ellucian / Datatel / Colleague databases. After a few semesters, we will have a huge amount of data that we can use to answer all kinds of educational questions in the interest of improving teaching and learning. Under our old system, we might have known that 80% of our students were doing well. Under this new system, we will be able to crossmatch student ID’s to answer questions such as:
We’re still doing program review, but we’re no longer doing unique assessments for the program outcomes. Instead, by linking a general education goal to a course learning outcome through the program outcomes via the curriculum maps, we can use these rubrics to pull out the program level.
The key to success here is that your curriculum maps need to be up-to-date.
If you need assistance, email: or contact any member of the Assessment Team.