Please complete program reviews on Curriculog.
Program/Discipline Review Data is now available through the Illuminate dashboard. If additional information is needed, please contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.
Please send any questions about the program review process to Caroline Evans Refer to College Council documentation for questions about governance and academic planning.
If you completed a program review in 2021, then it is time to complete the Midpoint Review. This is the second step of the program/discipline review process. Several programs have already completed a midpoint review in the Fall 2021 semester. The purpose of the Midpoint Review is to provide a forum for discussion of feedback and outstanding issues to track continuous improvement of the program/discipline. This step will allow faculty to request updates from administration and improve the student experience at CCAC.
The Midpoint Review requires collaboration between the Convener and Divisional Dean. Both will participate in the analysis and update the Academic Planning subcommittee through presentation of Midpoint Review findings and updates. The convener will be paid a stipend of $250 for assistance in the completion of this analysis and participation in governance. Midpoint Reviews will be presented to the Academic Planning subcommittee and key details shared with College Council.
Working with the Division Dean, the Convener presents update on progress in the program/discipline to Academic Planning regarding the status of the recommendations and curriculum changes. An action plan will be created to track improvements over time.
Curriculum: Report on any curriculum updates and changes to programs that occurred during the past two years. Conveners will identify any outstanding curriculum updates in the program/discipline that should be completed.
Recommendations: Report on any advances in the recommendations and resource allocation requests that occurred during the past two years. The recommendations can include new requests that may not have been previously included. Division Deans are responsible for communicating final results of budgetary decisions including capital requests to the Convener. All recommendations that were not approved will be accompanied by a written explanation and feedback from administration. For example:
Action Plan: The Program Review Action Plan Template will be used to document all updates for this Midpoint Review and is completed through collaboration by the convener and division dean. The division dean will communicate the Action Plan to faculty in the discipline/program via email so all are informed and may provide feedback. The final Action Plan document will be uploaded to Curriculog by the Division Dean. Loop closure is documented with this Action Plan and will be retained and updated to demonstrate compliance with Middle States Guidelines concerning the use of evidence to inform curriculum, instruction, and resource allocation as part of the assessment process.
The Midpoint Review is evidence of continuing dialogue between faculty and administration. After the Midpoint Review is presented, faculty and divisional deans will continue to work to improve programs/disciplines for students. The Action Plan will be used in the future, as the next review cycle requires a full analysis in two years. Faculty deserve feedback from administration on this process, as it is vital to make future projections and improvements. Consistent communication between the faculty, deans and academic leadership will strengthen programs/disciplines to meet the needs of our students.
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