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Integrated Assessment: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Identify problems, explore and prioritize solutions and revise priorities as a means for purposeful action.


1. Identify and summarize the problem and/or question in clear and concise terms.
2. Collect and review information from credible sources.
3. Consider the influence of context, assumptions and underlying bias of resources.
4. Synthesize and integrate information in order to support conclusions.
5. When supported, articulate findings and prioritize solutions appropriately.

Criteria 4-Advanced 3-Competent 2-Developing 1-Beginning N/A
Evaluate / Define
Identify and summarize problem and/or question in clear and concise terms
Accurately and appropriately identifies key issue(s) and/or problem(s) in an organized manner. Identifies most or all key issue(s) and/or problem(s). Some minor inaccuracies or omissions may be present, but do not interfere with meaning. Identifies some key issue(s) and/or problem(s). Contains inaccurate information, omissions, or errors that interfere with meaning. Most or all of key issue(s) and/or problem(s) are not identified/defined, or are identified/defined inaccurately. Meaning is unclear.  
Reason / Strategy

Critical Thinking: Collect and review information from credible source(s) (when applicable)

Problem Solving: Synthesize and integrate information in order to support solutions

Clearly analyzes information for relevance and validity. Synthesizes multiple perspectives and/or integrates relevant information using the proper context.

Reasoning is logical, consistent, complete and unique. Explains and/or examines feasibility of solution, and weighs impacts of solution.

Presents sufficient and appropriate data/information. Acknowledges multiple perspectives with some integration of relevant information in context.

Reasoning is mostly logical, complete, and consistent. Minor inaccuracies or omissions do not interfere with generation of the solution.

Analysis is limited or somewhat inappropriate; misses or ignores relevant data/information or context. Minor or vague synthesis of perspectives and/or simplified integration of information.

Reasoning contains elements of logic and/or insight, but not fully resolved. May contain inaccuracies or omissions that interfere with proper solution.

Does not present relevant and appropriate data/information. Fails to analyze, or uses inaccurate or inappropriate analysis of data/information or use proper context. Position is singular and personal opinion.

Reasoning is illogical, simplistic, inconsistent, or absent. Copies information without generating an appropriate solution.

Conclude / Evaluate
Consider the influence of available contextual information When supported, articulate finding and prioritize solutions appropriately
Acknowledges limits of position or contextual information. Conclusion is complex and/or detailed, well-supported, creative, complete, and relevant. May not fully acknowledge limits of position or context, but is aware of limits or context. Conclusion is generally complete, supported, and mostly consistent and relevant. Some acknowledgement position may have limits. May not acknowledge context. Conclusion is relevant but abbreviated or simplified, and/or contains minor inconsistencies. Little or no awareness that position may have limits or context. Conclusion is simplistic and stated as an absolute, or inconsistent with evidence or reasoning. Lack of coherent or clear conclusion.  

*The N/A category is to be used in a situation when ONE of the rubric criteria is not applicable to the chosen assessment. For example, if Conclude/Evaluate was not part of the original assessment, then you select N/A for that row. Point totals will be adjusted accordingly when the final data is aggregated. Faculty are strongly encouraged to align assessments to the rubric. If you feel the need to select N/A for multiple criteria, then the assessment measure should be adjusted or replaced by a more appropriate one. If you need help with this process, please contact the Assessment Team: .

Recommended Assessment Measures (Ferris State):

08) Student projects
05) Short written reports
06) Medium written reports
07) Long written reports
13) Student performance
15) Case study

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Types of Assessments & CCAC Examples:

Student performance
Choosing best tool, equipment or materials for a particular job
Troubleshoot a malfunctioning system

Student projects
SWOT analysis
Conflict resolution between employees
Strategic plan for a business
Developing a business or department budget
Budget allocation between departments
Design and build a class project
Assemble a project, from a sketch, choosing the correct material and tools
Design a mechanical system and draw the blueprints for the systems

Written Report
Develop a feasibility study
Decision to follow or ignore a trend
Decision to lease or purchase equipment
Decision to hire or promote an employee
Decision to discount a product or service
Develop a cost benefit analysis


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