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Integrated Assessment: Skills & Performance Based

hammer icon Skills & Performance Based

Criteria 4-Advanced 3-Competent 2-Developing 1-Beginning *N/A
Identify & Explain Student knows and is able to identify and explain necessary concepts/theories for completion of the project or performance. Student creates plan for successful completion of project or performance. Student is able to identify and explain necessary concepts/theories for completion of the project or performance with some assistance. Student creates plans for the project or performance but some details may be missing. Student is unable to identify or explain concepts/theories without major prompting. Requires instructor assistance for creating plans for the project or performance. Student is unable to identify or explain major concepts/theories without significant help from the instructor. Student cannot complete the planning process independently for the project or performance.  
Proper Technique, Tools & Professional Standards Proper technique with use of appropriate tools and materials performed following professional standards without identifiable errors. Proper technique with use of appropriate tools and materials performed with some small errors in execution but following professional standards. Improper technique and use of appropriate tools and materials performed with flaws in performance and professional standards. Improper technique and incorrect tools and materials utilized leading to the student’s inability to perform and align with professional standards.  
Project or Performance Result Project or performance meets all discipline-specific standards and instructor expectations of quality and safety. Project or performance meets most discipline-specific standards and instructor expectations of safety with limited loss of quality. Project or performance meets some discipline-specific standards and instructor expectations with loss of quality and safety. Project or performance does not meet discipline-specific standards or instructor expectations resulting in significantly decreased quality and safety.  

*The N/A category is to be used in a situation when ONE of the rubric criteria is not applicable to the chosen assessment. For example, if Identify & Explain was not part of the original assessment, then you select N/A for that row. Point totals will be adjusted accordingly when the final data is aggregated. Faculty are strongly encouraged to align assessments to the rubric. If you feel the need to select N/A for multiple criteria, then the assessment measure should be adjusted or replaced by a more appropriate one. If you need help with this process, please contact the Assessment Team: .