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cycle of researching information

CORI: cycle of researching information

Ethics & Academic Integrity

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you will be able to:
Explain what academic integrity is and why it is important
Describe the concept of information having value
Define and recognize plagiarism
 Explain the importance of avoiding plagiarism

Ethics & Academic Integrity

As a society, we acknowledge that objects hold value—they took time, effort, and often expertise to create. At the same time, we need acknowledge that information also holds value—it took time, effort, and often expertise to create. When we adhere to this belief and give credit to the creators, we are acting with academic integrity.

Words to Know
Tips for Viewing and Using the Tutorials

How to view the tutorials

Click each item's “Access” button to open and view it in a new window. If you are off-campus, you will be taken to the CCAC login page to sign in.

Access tutorial button

How to navigate the tutorials

Tutorials will have navigation links across the top that you will use to advance through the pages. They will look similar to this:

After completing the tutorial, close the browser tab or window to return back to this page.

CCAC Student Code of Academic Conduct

CCAC Student Code of Academic Conduct

“Students are expected to uphold appropriate standards of academic integrity. The college assumes, and indeed views as indispensable to a student’s academic career, the principle that every student is honor-bound not to cheat or act dishonorably in or out of the classroom. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense because it undermines the bonds of trust and honesty among members of the campus community.”

Student Code of Academic Conduct

Student Code of Academic Conduct

Access Tutorial: Academic Integrity

Access Tutorial: Infomation Has Value

Access Video: Plagiarism

Types of research-based assignments submitted

Original Thinking Student submits an assignment that is their own work and ideas using the building blocks of cited sources.
Student Collusion Students working together on an assignment that was meant to be an individual assessment.
Inadvertent Plagiarism Forgetting to properly cite or quote a source or unintentional paraphrasing.
Paraphrase Plagiarism Rephrasing a source’s ideas without proper credit given.
Word-for-Word Plagiarism Copying and pasting content without proper credit given.
Self-Plagiarism Reusing one’s previously published or submitted work without giving proper credit. (Using a paper for more than one class.)
Mosaic Plagiarism Weaving phrases and text from several sources into one’s own work.  Adjusting sentences without quotation marks or citations.
Source-based Plagiarism Providing inaccurate or incomplete information about sources such that they cannot be found.
Manual Text Modification Changing text (either the word order or using words with similar meaning) with the purpose of misleading plagiarism detection software.
Contract Cheating Involving a third party (for free, for pay, or for goods) to complete an assignment and represent it as one’s own work.

Based on and adapted from TurnItIn’s Plagiarism Spectrum 2.0.  (Expanded from  Accessed 27 July 2022.

Students caught plagiarizing often use several of these forms of plagiarism in their final product.  If you are unsure, ask your instructor or a librarian.

Is It Plagiarism?

Click on image to enlarge.

Flowchart explaining plagiarism

Mullin, Benjamin. "Is It Orginal? An Editor's Guide to Identifying Plagiarism." Poynter, Poynter Institute for Media Studies, 16 Sept. 2014, Accessed 27 July 2022.

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