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cycle of researching information

CORI: cycle of researching information

Information Age

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you will be able to:
Define Information Literacy
Explain the importance of Information Literacy

Information age

Over the course of history, the amount of information humankind has access to has repeatedly doubled, slowly at first, but in the past few decades it has been doubling more and more quickly. To the point that experts currently estimate that our collective information is doubling as quickly as every 11-12 hours (Marc My Words: The Coming Knowledge Tsunami). Sir Francis Bacon once wrote that “knowledge itself is power,” but with so much available knowledge today, it is important to understand how to best use and access that power so that it doesn’t become overwhelming.

Words to Know
Tips for Viewing and Using the Tutorials

How to view the tutorials

Click each item's “Access” button to open and view it in a new window. If you are off-campus, you will be taken to the CCAC login page to sign in.

Access tutorial button

How to navigate the tutorials

Tutorials will have navigation links across the top that you will use to advance through the pages. They will look similar to this:

After completing the tutorial, close the browser tab or window to return back to this page.

Access Tutorial: Why Information Literacy Matters

Access Video: Life in the Information Age

Learn the Steps

The Research Process

reserch process cycle

Text Version of the Research Process

The research process can be cyclical, but can also require moving back and forth through steps.
Start: Find a starting place; use background sources to explore the topic.
Narrow the Topic: Use background research to refine a topic and develop a thesis.
Explore Source Types: Select sources appropriate for information need and research question.
Search for Information: Choose appropriate databases and use techniques to narrow results.
Evaluate Information: Check for credibility, bias and misinformation.
Cite Information: Give credit to sources and avoid plagiarism in your project.

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