Students can search and find academic journals in our collections that include millions of articles.
Popular sources include:
Visit the CCAC Library website to access online and print research collections, find our locations, and get help when you have questions.
This page provides examples of the types of resources that students can access through the Library.
Use the links below to find our locations and explore our help options.
Students can search and find academic journals in our collections that include millions of articles.
Popular sources include:
Access 200,000+ books and ebooks from the Library.
Popular sources include:
Just getting started with a topic? Explore background information from our reference collections to help jump-start your research.
Popular sources include:
The Library maintains resources for a variety of citation styles like MLA and APA to help students cite sources used in their projects.
Popular sources include:
Use our career research tools to identify occupations and learn details such as educational requirements, job duties, salaries, etc.
Popular sources include:
Interested in learning about sources for your major? The Library's Subject Guides bring together research tools that are helpful for specific disciplines like history, nursing, and psychology.
See some of our popular guides:
Many of our news sources are updated daily and include regional, national, and international sources.
Popular sources include:
Our magazine collections cover almost any topic and are not overly academic or research-oriented.
Popular sources include:
We make researching current events easier with tools that help students find great sources for pro/con topics.
Popular sources include:
Find information from diverse publications and viewpoints in our books, articles, and video collections.
Popular sources include:
Connect with resources to help improve your knowledge of personal finance topics.
Example sources from our collection include:
The CORI collection of information literacy tutorials can help you develop and improve your knowledge and usage of information. Each module includes short videos and topic explanations.
Example modules include:
Access unique collections and resources for trades programs.
Popular sources include:
Thousands of academic and popular videos are available in several of our streaming collections.
Popular sources include:
In the current era of technology, it can sometimes be difficult to discern what is truth, what is opinion, and what is categorically false without knowing the more about the source.
Popular tutorials include: