Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing

Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing

The Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing publishes peer-reviewed journal articles for nurses in hospice and palliative care settings. Focus is given to clinical, educational, and research aspects of end of life care.

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Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing. Volume 27(1) February 2025
Author: Ferrell, Betty PhD, MA, RN, CHPN, FPCN
Page: 1-2
Page: 3-4
Author: Battista, Vanessa DNP, MBA, CPNP-PC, CHPPN, FPCN; Baker, Deborah J. DNP, AG-ACNP, NEA-BC; Trimarchi, Tara DNP, RN, CRNP; Stoney, Sarah MSW, LSW; D'Aoust, Rita PhD, ACNP, APN-BC, CNE, FNAP
Page: 5-11
Author: Fisher, Beth DNP, APRN, CPNP-AC/PC, CPON, CHPPN; Cormack, Carrie L. DNP, CPNP, FPCN; Haskamp, Amy Corey MSN, PCNS-BC, CPON, CHPPN, FPCN; Hagen, Kerry A. MSN, AGPCNP-BC, ACHPN, PMGT-BC; Logan, Ayaba MPH, MLIS, AHIP
Page: 12-19
Author: Murthi, Julianne DNP, AGPCNP-BC, CWS, ACHPN; Langford, Molly MSN, GNP-BC; Abdallah, Lisa PhD, RN, CNE
Page: 20-26
Author: Zadeh, Rana Sagha PhD, MArch; Capezuti, Elizabeth PhD, RN, FAAN; Brigham, Michael Ames BA; Dias, Brooke Ana MHA, BS; Kim, Benjamin Chanhee BA; Lengetti, Evie PhD, RN-BC; Krieger, Ana C. MD, MPH
Page: 27-34
Author: Nesbitt, Janice RN, MN, CHPCN(C)
Page: 35-42
Author: Day, Jamie M. MSN, RN, CHPN; Woodley, Lisa PhD, RN, CNE, CHPN; Ivancic, Margaret MSW, LCSW
Page: 43-50
Author: Steindal, Simen A. PhD, RN; Klarare, Anna PhD, RN; Sorensen, Benedicte Strom PhD, RN; Holmen, Heidi PhD, RN; Nes, Andrea A. G. PhD, RN; Winger, Anette PhD, RN; Godskesen, Tove PhD, RN
Page: E1-E9
Author: Liu, Ping BS; Liao, Xueyan BSc
Page: E10-E16
Author: Owens, Darrell DNP, ACHPN, FT, FAAN; Morse, Rebecca PhD; Garcia-Greenwood, Lindsay DNP, APRN, FNP-BC; Daly, Cathleen DNP, ACHPN; Phan, Tri Minh MD
Page: E17-E26
Author: Bhushan, Anup MD; Hurley, Scott D. MS, FNP-C; Coyne, Patrick J. MSN, ACHPN, ACNS-BC, FAAN, FPCN
Page: E27-E32
Author: Aaron, Siobhan P. PhD, RN, FNP-BC; Supiano, Katherine PhD, LCSW, FT, FGSA, APHSW-C; DeSimio, Samantha BS
Page: E33-E42
Author: Szeto, Deborah A. DNP, RN, PHN; Whitney, Robin L. PhD, RN; Alcantara, Dulce E. MSN, RN, CNL
Page: E43-E50
Page: E51
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Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing. Volume 26(6) December 2024
Author: Ferrell, Betty PhD, CHPN, FAAN, FPCN
Page: 289
Page: 290-291
Page: 292-295
Author: Grubbs, Kathy Howard BSN, RN, CHPN; Keinath, Christiana M. MSLIS; Bigger, Sharon E. PhD, MA, RN, CHPN, CNE
Page: 296-302
Author: Terrance, Rosa DNP, APRN, GNP-BC; Lastimoso, Charmaine CNP, MPH, CARN-AP
Page: 303-307
Author: Sofronas, Marianne PhD, MA, MSc(A), RN; Wright, David Kenneth PhD, RN; Macdonald, Mary Ellen PhD; Bitzas, Vasiliki PhD, RN; Carnevale, Franco A. PhD(Psych), PhD(Phil), RN
Page: 308-316
Author: Sobeck, Karin MSN, MSBe, RN; Strand, Gianna R. DBe, MS; Hoffman, David N. JD
Page: 317-324
Author: Byrd, Elizabeth PhD, RN; McMath, Ashley DNP, RN; Ware, Jennifer DNP, RN, CRNP; Jacobs, Rebecca MSN, CNS, RN; Weaver, Kendra DNP, RN
Page: 325-331
Author: Rouhi, Behdokht DNP, ANP-C, ACHPN; Collins-Fulea, Catherine DNP, CNM, FACNM, FAAN
Page: 332-339
Author: Terzano, Valerie T. PhD, RN, NEA-BC; Kirk, Jessica BSN, RN, OCN, NE-BC; Blind, Jenna DNP, RN, CPHQ, NEA-BC; Bass, Benjamin MPH; Pierre-Lallemand, Woodlyne MSN, RN, MEDSURG-BC, GERO-BC, NPD-BC, CNL, PMGT-BC, LNC; Zavotsky, Kathleen Evanovich PhD, RN, CCRN, CEN, ACNS-BC, FAEN, FCNS
Page: E181-E187
Author: Smith, Amy M. DNP, APRN, AGNP-C, CNE
Page: E188-E194
Author: Brazee, Rachel L. PhD, RN, CNL; Alsbrook, Karen E. PhD, RN; Lindell, Kathleen O. PhD, RN, ATSF, FAAN; Seaman, Jennifer B. PhD, RN, CHPN; Rosenzweig, Margaret Q. PhD, CRNP-C, AOCNP, FAAN
Page: E195-E211
Page: E212
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Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing. Volume 26(5) October 2024
Author: Ferrell, Betty PhD, MA, RN, CHPN, FAAN, FPCN; Borneman, Tami MSN, RN, CNS, FPCN
Page: 239
Page: 240-241
Author: Geiler, Yelena DNP, MSN, RN, FNP-C; Bowen Brady, Helene DNP, MEd, RN, NPD-BC, NEA-BC
Page: 242-248
Author: Huggins, Jennifer MSN, ANP-BC, ACHPN; Ashley, Jennifer MS, APRN, FNP-BC, ACHPN; Fasolino, Tracy PhD, FNP-BC, ACHPN, FPCN
Page: 249-256
Author: Mann, Catherine M. EdD, RN, CNS; Maciejewski, Hannah MS; Sullivan, Suzanne S. PhD, MBA, RN, CHPN
Page: 257-264
Author: Lippe, Megan P. PhD, MSN, RN, ANEF, FPCN, FAAN; Wingett, Gabrielle BSN, RN; Davis, Andra PhD, MN, RN; Jizba, Theresa DNP, AGACNP-BC, ACHPN; Ehrlich, Olga PhD, RN; Cormack, Carrie L. DNP, CPNP, FPCN, FAAN; Fasolino, Tracy PhD, FNP-BC, ACHPN, FPCN; Glover, Toni L. PhD, GNP-BC, ACHPN; Meskis, Susan DNP, RN, CLNC; LeBlanc, Raeann G. PhD, DNP, AGPCNP-BC, CHPN; Weiss, Dan DNP, RN, CHPN; Kirkpatrick, Amanda J. PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP
Page: 265-272
Author: Nelson, Katie E. PhD, RN; Runsabove, Kassie BASc; Saylor, Martha Abshire PhD, RN; Adams, Kathleen BSN, RN; Davidson, Patricia M. PhD, MEd, RN; Perrin, Nancy PhD; Werk, Alicia BSN, RN; Wright, Rebecca PhD, BSc, RN; Brockie, Teresa N. PhD, RN
Page: 273-281
Author: Cross, Lisa A. PhD, RN, CNE, CRRN, CHPN; Lee, Bertha PhD, RN; Adams, Katherine DNP, RN, CSCS, CHSE
Page: 282-288
Author: Coats, Heather PhD, APRN-BC, FPCN, FAAN; Shive, Nadia BA, CCRC; Adrian, Bonnie PhD, RN-BC; Doorenbos, Ardith Z. PhD, RN, FAAN; Schmiege, Sarah J. PhD
Page: E143-E153
Author: Madiraca, Jessica PhD, RN; Lindell, Kathleen PhD, RN, ATSF, FAAN; Phillips, Shannon PhD, RN; Coyne, Patrick MSN, ACHPN, ACNS-BC, FPCN; Miller, Sarah PhD, RN
Page: E154-E162
Author: Uzun, Sevda PhD
Page: E163-E169
Author: Kupershmidt, Sabina PhD; Pithan, Anne DNP; Fischbach, Cheryl DNP; Pudwill, Katie RDH, MSDH; Berke, Charlene BS; Kroeze Visser, Angela MPH; Snyders, Michele MSW; Kullerd, Deborah MD
Page: E170-E179
Page: E180
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