Advances in Nursing Science

Advances in Nursing Science

Articles in Advances in Nursing Science are peer-reviewed and chosen for their pioneering perspectives and for their significance in contributing the evolution of the discipline of nursing.

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Author:Im, Eun-Ok
Author:Varcoe, ColleenSlemon, AllieBungay, VickyBlanchet Garneau, Amélie
Author:Howie, VirginiaPracilio, AmyMorphet, JuliaTrollor, Julian N..Griffin, KenCashin, AndrewWilson, Nathan J..Kersten, Michelle
Author:Burton, CandaceJenkins, DanishaHolmes, Dave
Author:Sakashita, ReikoTsai, Hsiu-MinWang, Hsiu-HungKim, Hae-WonOh, Eui-GeumIm, Eun-OkChen, Ching-Min
Author:Dellasega, CherylAndreae, D.. AdrianaKaye, Miranda P..
Author:Padgett, Stephen M..
Author:Moret, Jessica DraughonHolt, Gennifer
Author:Smith, Mary Jane
Author:Dhari, ShivinderSlemon, AllieHandlovsky, Ingrid
Author:Dingley, CatherineBoni, Rebecca L..
Author:Eisenhauer, Christine M..Alazri, ZeinabHanna, Kathleen M..
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Advances in Nursing Science. Volume 47(4) October/December 2024
Page: 333-334
Author: Jenkins, Danisha PhD, RN, CCRN, NEA-BC, NHDP-BC, SANE-A; Wolfe, Ian PhD, MA, RN, HEC-C; Dillard-Wright, Jess PhD, RN
Page: 335-348
Author: Mathew, Asha PhD, MBA, MSN, BSN; Akpotu, Ivy C. MSN, RN; Lockwood, Mark B. PhD, MSN, RN; Tirkey, Amit Jiwan MS, MBBS; Patil, Crystal L. PhD; Doorenbos, Ardith Z. PhD, RN, FAAN
Page: 349-369
Author: Kim, Hae Won PhD, RN; Choi, JiYeon PhD, RN, ATSF; Kim, Ji-Su PhD, RN; Son, Youn-Jung PhD, RN, CCAPN
Page: 370-384
Author: Leveille-Tulce, Anne Marie Berthe PhD, RN, MS, MPH; Hopkins-Walsh, Jane PhD, PNP-BC, RN
Page: 385-398
Author: Felder, Martijn PhD; Schuurmans, Jitse PhD; van Pijkeren, Nienke MSc; Kuijper, Syb MSc; Bal, Roland PhD; Wallenburg, Iris PhD
Page: E122-E137
Author: Hoffman, Sarah J. PhD, MPH, MSN, RN, SANE-A; Fredkove, Windy M. PhD, MSN, RN
Page: E138-E157
Page: E158
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Advances in Nursing Science. Volume 47(3) July/September 2024
Author: Im, Eun-Ok PhD, MPH, RN, CNS, FAAN
Page: 231-232
Author: Tribby, Kessa V. PhD, RN; Isaacson, Mary J. PhD, RN, CHPN
Page: 233-247
Author: Kongsuwan, Waraporn PhD, RN; Galvez, Barbara PhD, RN; Betriana, Feni PhD, RN
Page: 248-262
Author: Barbo, Geneveave MN, MClSc, RN
Page: 263-273
Author: Deeb, Ahmad M. MSN, RN; Vaughan, Crystal MN, RN; Puddester, Rebecca MN, RN; Curnew, Deanne MN, RN
Page: 274-287
Author: Emond, Tina PhD, RN; de Montigny, Francine PhD, RN; Webster, Jessica MN, RN, PNC(C); Zeghiche, Sabrina PhD; Bosse, Mylene RN
Page: 288-301
Author: Tsai, Hsiu-Min PhD, RN, FAAN; Wang, Hsiu-Hung PhD, RN, FAAN; Sakashita, Reiko PhD, RN, FAAN; Oh, Eui Geum PhD, RN, FAAN; Chen, Ching-Min RN, DNS, FAAN; Im, Eun-Ok PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN
Page: 302-315
Author: Fawcett, Jacqueline PhD, ScD(hon), RN, FAAN, ANEF; Alligood, Martha Raile PhD, RN, ANEF
Page: 316-331
Author: Ko, Eungil BSN, RN; Lee, Yaelim PhD, RN, CRNP
Page: E84-E95
Author: Vance, Billie S. PhD, APRN, FNP-BC, CNE; Carpenter, Roger PhD, RN, CNE
Page: E96-E109
Author: Henry, Carrie J. PhD, CNM, RN; Song, Mi-Kyung PhD, RN, FAAN
Page: E110-E120
Page: E121
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