Search Strategy for the Research Assignment
Find overview and background articles by searching in the Credo Reference database in General Databases below.
Select your field from the Find Resources in Your Field box below.
Select a journal article database.
Choose advanced search, and enter your search terms. Compare your results when selecting all text or subject descriptors next to the search box.
Consider these limiters:
Select the MLA, APA or Chicago citation style. Export to NoodleTools. Email articles to yourself.
If you do not find enough articles in your field, your field is not listed in the Find Resources in Your Field box, or your topic encompasses several fields, broaden your search by searcing in Academic Search Ultimate or Academic OneFile in General Databases below.
Need more articles? Click on the OneSearch tab on this course guide.
The Subject Guides can help you find the best research resources like books, article databases and websites for your topic.
Or try our General Research Guide for a wide variety of sources.